US Motocross legend Ryan Hughes, known for his full-on approach to life, racing and pure dedication, has now put his efforts into the production of this new line of sports supplements. These are designed purely at being used in the more Endurance type sports, with many a famous athlete from the world of DH, Enduro and XC now sporting the brand, Aaron Gwin, Cam sink, Kyle Strait, Luca Cometti and Lauren Gregg being some of the better known. Ryno Power have also hooked up athletes from the world of Rally, Moto, Street, Jet-ski and FMX and seem to be hitting up the MTB world with full force, as they get their brand out there.

Gold Medal Pack

Gold Medal Pack.
Gold Medal Pack.

We at Enduro Mag got sent one of their Gold Medal packs over to check out what all the fuss is about. According to the manufacturers the Ryno Power line is designed for sports where high endurance is key, with specific supplements for every stage of an athletes training and recovery. They seem to have every aspect of your training covered.

Carbo Fuel

This is your traditional mixer powder, the stuff you mix into your back pack’s bladder, the difference being it has no taste or colour, so a great thing is you can add your own tasting juice or cordial to suit, although I’m sure some users would just prefer the taste to be in the powder, to avoid extra additives needed for flavour. The cargo fuel replaces and replenishes the carbs you will burn during exercise, thus eliminating the need for a heavy carb loaded meal so close to the time of exercise. $34.95 (£24.99)

Carbo Fuel.
Carbo Fuel.


Again a mixer powder, boasting high-quality proteins to aid faster and more efficient recovery to those tired and over-worked muscles. Protein is basically your after exercise drink, renowned to maintain strength, increase stamina and recover faster. The Protein and Carbo Fuel can also be combined together in the mixer bottle. $39.95 (£44.99)

Protein powder.
Protein Powder.


Athletes can take up to six tablets after exercise (dependent on how full-on the exercise) These differ to Protein in that they are claimed to enhance athlete’s immune system and stop the breakdown of muscle tissue prior to exercise. $49.95 (£39.99)

Recovery Tablets.
Recovery Tablets.


Athletes can take up to two tablets before exercise, guarana seed and tyrosine give you that kick you get from caffeine, but aren’t full of the many bad chemicals found in lots of energy drinks. These natural ingredients are said to be released slowly through the day for long-term benefits. $22.95 (£19.99)

Motivation Tablets.
Motivation Tablets.


Athletes can take up to 5 tablets before exercise, these are designed to help increase endurance, with a steady uptake of oxygen to the blood supply. These are claimed to reduce lactic acid and prevent cramping, a rider’s worst nightmare. Hopefully these will avoid that scenario where the rider is writhing around in pain on the ground, desperately fighting those tightening muscles! $44.95 (£34.99)

Endurance Tablets.
Endurance Tablets.


Athletes can take up to five tablets before and after exercise, made to reduce cramps, heat fatigue and along with the usage of fluids stop riders from dehydration. These tabs are stuffed with sodium chloride, Tri-sodium phosphate, sodium R-lipoate and lots of organics, such as Kreps Cycle Minerals, potassium, calcium and magnesium. $22.95 (£19.99)

So you have your choice of using the Gold Medal pack, or just purchasing whatever separate bottle of tablets you need. One thing our test riders have found is that these things definitely seem to work, but if you are taking all the tablets in the gold medal pack, it is a lot of tablets to be swallowing before, during and after a ride. Plus remembering to take tablets during a ride can get interesting, especially in adverse weather conditions!

Electrolytes Tablets.
Electrolytes Tablets.

Full Gold Medal pack $189.95 (£121.00)

More info-

Words and Photos: Jim Buchanan

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