BRIT BITS: Middleburn – Cable Oilers in different colours

Middleburn have been going as a British company now for over 20 years, making high-end precision components, including cranks, chainrings and hubs. It would seem nowadays, especially with top specked Enduro bikes, that full length outer is pretty much the norm for gear and some dropper seat cables. The problem with full length outer is it can’t ever be cleaned without replacing the inner and as the more outer on inner creates more friction and more places for crap to build up, cables have to be replaced quite often. This task can be a bit of an unnecessary pain, especially in winter. These little gems, Middleburn’s cable oilers, extend the life of your inner and outer cable by a nautical mile. You split your outer cable half way and add one of these to the middle. Once on, you just peel back the small rubber o-ring to reveal a WD40 sized hole (or other spray oils with a tube) insert the tube and give your cable a spray, you will see the lube come out either end of the outer cable along with any crap that has built up inside, simply genius! They come in 4mm or 5mm colours are silver, black, red, blue or gold, they weigh 1 gramme and are mega easy to install.
Pack of 3 £5.99
For details on stockists and other Middleburn products
Words and pics: Jim Buchanan

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