Colorado High School Mountain Bike Finals, Haymaker Classic

It may have started in California, but high school mountain bike racing is taking hold in Colorado and doing it’s best to give the original league a run for it’s money. With an incredible course (worthy of bigger events), gorgeous weather, and more raucous fans, family and supporters than the organizers knew what to do with, the final race of the season went off in grand style on Sunday, October 19th in Eagle, CO at the famed Haymaker course.

Over 600 racers participated in the final race of the 2014 season. With a series consisting of four races in total, the numbers were slightly above the 596 racer average for the first three races. Perfect weather and this being the grand finale added to lots of folks showing up.
Big schools and little schools, from around Colorado, were there to race and give 110%. It showed. Lots of Congratulations being offered from racer to racer as they crossed the finished line let everyone know that even those these kids are here to compete against each other, they’re also here learning sportsmanship and all about being healthy and how much fun mountain biking can be. Who knew learning skills you can take with you throughout the rest of your life could be so fun?
Mountain bike racing is taking off. Leagues have started in eight states, with two more just announced for next year, in addition to the rampant growth in the home state of California. 2015 promises to be HUGE! Keep an eye out and maybe help get things moving in your state. NICA (National Interscholastic Cycling Association) was founded in 2009 and works with the various cycling governing bodies in the US to promote racing and putting on some awesome events. These kids are not only becoming incredible racers, but a very high percentage of them are going onto college and leading healthy lives. It’s a great situation.

You can learn more about NICA on their website. Check out more great photos here. Check out the amazing things happening in Colorado, but if you live elsewhere in the US, find out how you can help. More kids on mountain bikes can only be a good thing.
Words: Daniel Dunn Photos: Courtesy Colorado High School Cycling League
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