On Sunday June 9 mountain bikers from various regions of Guatemala met in the distant town of Rabinal, to enjoy the descent passing through the archaeological site of the Stone Tiger.

Commencal Enduro Series Guatemala 2013 - Foto03

An ancient and epic singletrack about 12 kilometers beginning to 1980 meters over the sea to reach 950 presenting a natural field with different sections: mud, clay, dirt, limestone and loose.

Commencal Enduro Series Guatemala 2013 - Foto01

A real challenge for competitors, who enjoyed the 3 stages counterclockwise, the winner of this round was Jose Morales Zuger, followed closely by Kenneth Zamora Anderson and Ramon Andres Grotewold from the Commencal Team Co-Factory of Guatemala.

Commencal Enduro Series Guatemala 2013 - Foto02

With this, are 3 of 5 cup races from Commencal Enduro Series Guatemala 2013 organized by Cycling Bike Shop, dealer of Commencal in Guatemala.

The Enduro is making a real revolution with cyclists from all over the world and this small country in the Americas is no exception.

For more information klick here.

Text and Photos: Jorge Mario Pelaez

Spanish Version: Enduro en Guatemala, la Tierra de los Mayas

El domingo 9 de junio ciclistas de montaña de varias regiones de Guatemala se reunieron en el lejano poblado de Rabinal, para disfrutar el descenso que pasa por el sitio arqueológico de la Piedra del Tigre.

Un antiguo sendero de aproximadamente 12Km. que empieza a los 1980m.s.n.m hasta llegar a los 950m.s.n.m. presentando terreno de tierra, barro, piedra caliza y piedra suelta.

Un verdadero reto para los competidores, que disfrutaron las 3 etapas espaciales contrareloj, en las que venció Jose Morales Zuger, seguido muy de cerca por Kennet Zamora Anderson y Ramón Andrés Grotewold del Team Commencal Co-Factory de Guatemala.

Con esta son 3 de 5 las competencias de la Copa Commencal Enduro Series Guatemala 2013 que Cycling Bike Shop, repreentante de Commencal en Guatemala realiza en este país de Centro América.

El Enduro está marcando una verdadera revolución entre los ciclistas de todo el mundo y este pequeño país del continente americano no es la excepción.

Texto y Fotografías: Jorge Mario Peláez

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About the author

Max-Philip Schmitt

Max is all about the business side of things, developing strategies and the company vision with a keen eye for what matters most. Together with his brother Robin, he is one of the founders of 41 Publishing and its magazines. While the rest of the team just spends money, Max makes sure that some comes back in. Even though he isn't involved as an editor himself, he still rides his bike as often as he can and is the first to invite others on a lunch ride.