More and more manufacturers are already presenting some of their news of 2015 before the Eurobike show in the end of august. Also CUBE invited us in advance of the show in the vicinity of their company headquarter to present us, among other things, the new Stereo 140 27.5 and the Fritzz 180 27.5.

Update Mai 2016: Check out our full Cube Stereo 140 C:62 SL 27.5 review

The bikepark Ochsenkopf is just a few kilometers away from the Cube headquarters in Waldershof, and is so the perfect place to check the bikes and take them on a ride.

CUBE Stereo 140 27,5″

140mm Federweg, 27,5" Laufräder  und ein 1800g leichter Carbon Rahmen. Das sind die Eckdaten des neuen Stereo C68 SLT.
140mm trave, 27,5″ wheels and a all new 1800g light Carbon frame. This are the key data of the new top model of the Stereo 140 27,5 with the C68 frame.

The CUBE Stereo has firmly established itself not only in Enduro racing, by the two different wheel sizes and the variety of travel rats almost every biker finds the appropriates stereo in the model line. 2015 CUBE has now expanded its product line by another bike – the Stereo 140 27.5.

Cube MItarbeiter Frank gibt dem neuen Stereo die Sporen.
Cube MItarbeiter Frank gibt dem neuen Stereo die Sporen.

To not only reduce the travel, but also the weight of the bike CUBE developed the frame with an all new “C68” called carbon fiber structure. It should offer next to a lower weight mainly even more rigidity. This is achieved by a new build up of the carbon layer, which has a higher fiber and lower resin content.

Bei der Ausstattung wagt Cube keine Experimente und setzt auf bewährtes wie beispielsweise die Shimano XT Bremse.
At the equipment Cube dare no experiments and relies on proven parts, such as the Shimano XT brake.
Hochwertige Fox-Federelemente sollen eine top Funktion garantieren.
High quality Fox suspension components should guarantee a top function.
Das Cube Stereo 140 27,5 bietet durch das tief nach unten gezogene Oberrohr viel Bewegungsfreiheit auf dem Bike.
The Cube Stereo 140 27.5 offers through the deep drawn top tube more freedom of movement over the bike.
Völlig neu ist beim Stereo 140 27,5 der Umlenkhebel. Er ist nicht nur kürzer, sondern bietet auch ein anderes Übersetzungsverhältnis wie die bereits bekannten Modelle.
Completely new is the rocker of the Stereo 140 27.5. He is not only way shorter, it also offers a different transmission ratio as the already known models.

The Geometry of the CUBE Stereo 140 27,5:

Screenshot 2014-08-02 11.36.15 Screenshot 2014-08-02 11.59.53

According to CUBE, the top model Stereo 140 27.5 SHPC SLT will only have a weight of 9kg on the scales and will be available at a price of 8.000€. But the price range of the new Stereo 140 27,5 will begin at a very attractive price of 2.100€.

CUBE Fritzz 180 27,5″

The experiments to further optimize the already known CUBE models Hanzz and Fritzz 180 26 resulted in two nearly identical bikes, of which the new Fritzz 27.5 180 remained at the end. CUBE certifies the long-travel Enduro an uphill performance similar to the known Stereo 160 with downhill qualities close to them of real downhill bikes.

Massig Federweg, gepaart mit einem flachen Lenk- und steilen Sitzwinkel soll das Fritzz zum perfekten Do-It-All Bike machen.
Lots of travel paired with a flat head- and steep seat angle should make the Fritzz the perfect do-it-all bike.

The equipment of our test model was not completely final, but it already gives a good taste of the bike which CUBE will finally present at the Eurobike.

Dank komplett neuer Federkennlinie soll das Fritzz trotz 180mm Federweg auch zu verspielten Fahrmanövern einladen.
Thanks to a completely new spring characteristic the Fritzz should invite to playful maneuvers despite 180mm travel
Mit 27,5" Laufrädern und massig Federweg verlieren auch Steinfelder ihren Schrecken.
With 27.5″ wheels, and lots of travel, rock gardens lose their fierceness.
Langes Oberrohr, kurzer Vorbau, das Fritzz erhält eine "moderne" Geometrie.
Long top tube, short stem, the Fritzz receives for 2015 a “modern” geometry.
Die Fox 36 180mm Kashima ist in dieser Variante nicht im Aftermarkt erhältlich und sorgt für eine top Performance an der Front des neuen CUBE Fritzz.
The Fox 36 180mm Kashima is not available in this variant at the after market and ensures a top performance at the front of the new CUBE Fritzz.
Stealth-Sattelstützen haben sich fest etabliert, logisch also das der neue Rahmen für sie vorbereitet ist.
Stealth seatposts have firmly established itself, so logically the new frame is prepared for them.
CUBE setzt auf eine durchdachte Reifenkombination und wird das Fritzz mit einem Schwalbe Magic Mary in Front, sowie dem Schwalbe Rock Razor am Heck ausliefern.
CUBE relies on a sophisticated tire combination and offers the Fritzz with a Schwalbe Magic Mary in front, and the Schalbe Rock Razor tire at the rear.
Auch das Fritzz verfügt ähnlich wie das neue Stereo 140 27,5 über ein komplett neues Rocker-Design.
Also the Fritzz features like the new stereo 140 27.5 on a completely new rocker design.

The geometry of the new CUBE Fritzz 180 27.5:

Screenshot 2014-08-02 11.44.12 Screenshot 2014-08-02 11.59.11

Exact details of the different versions and the final prices of the new Fritzz are currently not available, but will be available at Eurobike, at the latest. As soon as we got them we will report – stay tuned!

If you now would like to know more about the bikes of CUBE visit:

Update Mai 2016: Check out our full Cube Stereo 140 C:62 SL 27.5 review

Words & Pictures: Christoph Bayer

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