Hype This! 7 hot parts to fall in love with

Below you’ll find 7 of the finest MTB related products and bling to feast your eyes over! Continue on reading or head over to issue #022 to check out the original article.
Kraft des Urstromtals Cereal Bars

Just when you thought the world could not get any more hipster, Berlin-based company Kraft Des Urstromtals have released a new line of cereal bars that take ‘on trail’ snacks to a new gourmet level. Made by hand using organic raw materials, the bars are gluten free with no flavour enhancers or preservatives and claim to be perfect for the modern day hunter gatherer. Eating one of these on the trail will make you the envy of all your bearded buddies, as you explain that no baby unicorns were harmed when making these bars.
Price: One Bar = ca. € 3.40
Type of bars: Carnivore/Veggie/Vegan
Info: kraft-des-urstromtals.de
Buffwear Merino Wool Headwear

There are two calculations in life that defy the world’s most powerful mathematical minds: what is the exact value of Pi, and the number of different uses for a buff. The simple fabric tube can be used in so many ways that when the CIA asked their supercomputer, it spent 3 months calculating before announcing that the question was impossible and taking up Candy Crush while refusing to speak to anyone. This new merino buff has the same infinite number of uses but is also warm and toasty, and has no seams. Buffwear’s merino buff fits every human and is perfect for the intrepid cold weather adventurer.
Price: € 30
Info: buffwear.com
E13 Plasma Tubeless Valves

If you are still using inner tubes in your wheels, you are probably far too busy playing on your Nintendo Game Boy and watching re-runs of “The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air” to read this. But… We all know the truth: tubeless is awesome! More traction, fewer punctures and a better handling bike. What’s not to love? E13 have made it even easier by bringing the technology bang up to date with their new, bling, high-volume tubeless valves. The bigger air passage means you don’t have to remove the valve core and they are also available in cool colours. Win-win!
Price: € 29.90
Colours: black, blue, red
Info: bythehive.com
SRAM XX1/X01 Eagle Drivetrain
If you have calves the size of ping pong balls and thighs with the strength of a wet noodle, you will be pleased to see the gigantic 50-tooth cassette sprocket on SRAM’s latest Eagle drivetrain. With 12 speeds and a huge range, the new 10 to 50-tooth cassette means that you can now ride uphill slower than ever before, but Eagle is about more than just one more giant cog. Intelligent riders will buy Eagle because of its improved durability, quieter operation and improved shifting operation, but most people will buy it because it’s gold.
Price: € 1,524 (XX1) / € 1,306 (X01)
Weight: 1,456 g (XX1)/ 1,502 g (X01)
Info: SRAM Eagle Review and sram.com
DT Swiss 1501 SPLINE ONE Wheels

When it comes to wheels, size matters! No, it’s not about diameter, it’s all about width. The new 1501 Spline One wheels bring DT Swiss bang up to date with some new bigger sizes. The EX-Version comes with 25 mm and a whopping 30 mm internal width and the well known XM-Version features 22,5-40 mm wide rims. They have also pumped up the size of their XC-focussed XR-wheels to 22.5mm, which does not sound like much but is a big step in the skinny wheel world. These lightweight aluminium rims do not have the ‘pub boast’ appeal that carbon offers, but are affordable enough that you don’t have to sell your kidneys to buy them.
Price: starting from € 939
Available wide: 22,5, 25, 30, 35, 40 cm
Info: DT Swiss SPLINE ONE First Ride and dtswiss.com
Knog Oi Bell

Like wearing socks and sandals, fitting a bell to your bike instantly defines you as desperately uncool. We don’t know why, it just does! But, if you ride a lot on busy trails and don’t like collecting angry hikers on your handlebars, a bell makes a lot of sense. Knog’s latest Kickstarter product Oi does not look like a bell, and as such – is cool. Looking like a stealthy dropper remote you can awe trail traffic with your sonic prowess while still collecting style points. Now if only Knog could make an e-bike bike that doesn’t look like an e-bike, they would be onto a winner!
Preis: TBA
Info: knog.com.au
OneUp Shark Sprocket

If you enjoyed the film “Eagle vs Shark” you will love the name of the latest 50-tooth, step-up ring from OneUp, which pokes a finger directly in (or up at) SRAM’s direction. The 50-tooth sprocket and derailleur cage update allows you to maximise range on a standard Shimano freehub, and it’s even available in a sexy green colour. Just last month we were all riding along just fine with only a 42 or 44-tooth, but now everyone needs the big fiddy. OneUp have made 50-tooth possible for Shimano fans, at a much more wallet-friendly price than Eagle. So now the big showdown is Eagle vs. Shark. Who’s your money on?
Price: $ 125
Weight: 80 g
Info: oneupcomponents.com
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Words: Photos: Hersteller