Race Report | The First Enduro Race in Bali

17,508 islands (to be precise) are stranded east of Papua New Guinea’s border, with more than 250 million people inhabiting 5 of those major islands; Java, Sumatra, Kalimanatan, Sulawesi and Papua. Known not only for its beautiful habitats, sandy beaches and huge mountains, Indonesia is located on the edges of the Pacific, Eurasian and Australian tectonic plates, comprising the site of numerous volcanoes and frequent earthquakes.
With every dark, volcanic cloud, there is a silver lining and in this case, that silver lining is mountain biking. With every eruption or minor earthquake, the paths change around the mountains and volcanoes, creating new, unexplored trails. Imagine where you lived, your trails were continuously changing?

TREK ID help an open tournament of TREK ID Super Enduro at Cikole, Lembang-Bandung, West Java. From 1,376 metres above sea level, mountainous pine plantation was the host to this event, and 1,727 metres of altitude, the Indonesians sure had a gnarly time.

Words: Andrew Richardson Photos: Courtesy of TREK ID
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