
TOP 5: The most popular ENDURO articles of August 2017

A monthly round-up of the most popular content that graced our site in August: These are your top 5!

Epic Fails – When Bike Setup Goes Wrong

When it comes to bike setup, some of us agonise over the details, making sure everything is ‘just so’. However, there are some whose bikes are so badly setup, we can only imagine they were built in the dark – whilst drunk! Some horrors are down to a healthy lack of OCD attention to detail, while others are true epic fails. Here is our rundown of the top setup faux pas. How many have you been guilty of? Epic Fails – When Bike Setup Goes Wrong

The hottest 2018 Trail and Enduro Bikes – that you won’t see at EUROBIKE

When EUROBIKE 2017 opens its doors next week, all eyes will be on Friedrichshafen. However, many brands have turned their backs on the world’s biggest bike show, relying instead on their own presentations and in-house exhibitions. So here are the most important trail and enduro bikes of the coming season, which you will NOT see at EUROBIKE.

MTB Geometry – The new Normal

As our sport progresses, so does geometry: every brand’s new bike’s marketing mantra is, ‘Longer, lower, slacker!’. But what does ‘long, low and slack’, really mean in these days of changing standards and geometry extremes? Is there now a, ‘new normal’, in bike sizing?

Shots Fired! Orange Stage 6 Factory Review

Just look at it! Everything is wrong with this bike! It costs £5,500 but is made of metal. It has a single pivot suspension system – surely that’s a bad idea? And what’s that? 29 inch wheels, it cannot possibly work! Can it? We hammer some direct lines on the Orange Stage 6 to find out more.

#thegeometryaffair – Part 2, The Threesome

In the first part of the #thegeometryaffair, we introduced Mr Average to a bike that is anything but average and a torrid affair began, would the extreme geometry of the mammoth Pole Evolink 140 mm work for a normal guy? And, now that the initial excitement has faded, is it time for a threesome?

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