Every devoted mountain biker strives to travel the world, explore new locations, and experience the finest of singletrack. However, riding the same trails that you’ve done for years and years might be equally exciting. Maybe it’s because nothing seems to change, the revival of old memories, or just the trails themselves. Nonetheless, it is hard to beat the feeling of returning home and ripping familiar terrain.
The local hills and the nearby bike parks have made Jon Bokrantz to the rider he is today. Follow him on A Day Out and get a glimpse of some singletrack goodness in and around Sundsvall, Sweden.

For the gear visit: norrona.com/en-GB/Products/fjora/

Produced by: Jimmy Svensson & Jon Bokrantz
Riders: Jon Bokrantz & Philip Lundman
Music: ODESZA – ”IPlayYouListen”. Free download @ Odesza.com

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