Video: Church – Fall in North Carolina, USA

Brandon Blakely, Zach Heaton, and Evan Voss were the motivators behind Church. Their friendship was forged in college through riding bikes, with a mutual interest for multiple sports and the refined skillset that goes hand in hand with mastery of those disciplines. They have traveled distances together for riding but for this trip Brandon and Evan were the bike men and Zach manned the no-fun-gun (camera). With three days of perfect October weather they attempted to capture their mutual appreciation for Fall in North Carolina.

Why Church? – It started as a joke, pulled from some kayaking edit. Over a couple months it turned into something more. I would find myself completely winded at the end of a long climb saying “What a fine Church service this mornin” and it would put a gigantic smile on my face. We are certainly not the pioneers of the term but have managed to redefine it and call “Church” our own. Going to Church is leagues beyond riding your bike. It is an appreciation of life expressed through what you are passionate about. For us, it is goofing off while keeping our minds youthful and fresh while at the same time shredding our local trails to the best of our ability. These elements encompass Church for us.

Fotos: Derek DiLuzio
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