Video: Enduro “way of life” – Teil 2 im Bikepark Sauze d’Oulx
Enduro way of life – Part 2 from Aurelien68 on Vimeo.
One year after Sauze d'Oulx discovery with Enduro Mountainbike Magazine crew, Jordan Baumann, participant to the mythical Superenduro, decided to board Aurelien Knecht during a week, in order to avail the mountainous potential and doing some shots.
This Alpine town from « Provinzia di Torino », Piemonte, north Italia, is located to 1500m and deeply corresponds to enduro way of looking at things, following the framework established last year with « Enduro Way of life ».
Then, both friends were filming into bike park Sauze d'Oulx, wonderfull area with two lift going up to 2500m.
One thing is sure, even if he has bad luck during his race, Jordan will go back to this awesome place next season.
Sauze d'Oulx is just gorgeous ; now, do you wanna go there ?
Sincere thanks to Jordan's 2013 sponsors : Enduro Mountainbike Magazine, Magura Passion People, Bliss Protection, Stan's Notubes, Sabma France, Mondovélo Sélestat, DM3 components and Ion Bike
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