Video | Mavic Trans-Provence 2015 – Das Original ist zurück

Mavic® Trans-Provence is back to mark the start of Summer 2015. This, the 7th edition of the Original Alpine MTB Rally, takes us right from the High Alps to the Mediterranean Sea via a World of mountain adventure and a huge catalogue of mind-blowing singletrack.
From 20-27 June, some of the fastest racers on the planet will be mixing it up with talented riders from 20 different countries to battle it out on the gravity-fuelled trails of the Southern French Alps.
6 days. 270km. 9000m up. 18000m down. 24 Special Stages… to some it’s a race; to some it’s just an epic journey by mountain bike; and to some it’s both. Follow the excitement and the adventure via our daily video reports, and make of it what you will.
Mavic® Trans-Provence 2015 | Embrun – Menton (France) | 20-27 June 2015
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