The International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) is an influential advocate for mtb trail use. By uniting riders as a single force, they are able to successfully build and maintain more places where we can ride! In order to secure more trails in Europe, they have prepared a survey to get a better understanding of you and your goals.


The message is simple. Help us help you. To better understand your needs, your motivation, your attitudes towards trail access, trail development and volunteering, we ask you to fill out this survey.

Oktoberfest Enduro Magazine (41 von 54)

As mountain bikers, we like to roam, discover new trails, experience nature. We value our freedom. For that same reason we’re not that well organised. There’s a small group of people in Europe lobbying for trail access, working with land managers, influence policies in favour of mountain biking. For those people, the mountain bike advocate, it’s really inportant to know what you want, who you are, what’s driving you and how we should represent your interests the moment we talk to land managers, local communities, nature conservationist and the tourism industry.

So please help us and donate some of your time for mountain bike advocacy. This is the first European MTB survey by IMBA Europe and it’s member organisations. The good thing, it’s mulitlingual (9 languages), so there’s no excuse anymore to not fill in! The other good thing? There’s a chance of winning some cool prices like a Yakima roof top bike rack, IMBA jerseys, books, socks and beanies.

Start your survey

You can fill out the survey anonymously. The outcomes will be used for advocacy reasons. Gathered facts and figures help us to draw well-founded arguments why it’s important to facilitate and invest in mountain biking.

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