The Specialized-Sram Enduro Series comes to Italy for the 2014 season opening of the biggest German Enduro championship. The appointment is on 26/27th April in Terlago, 10 minutes from Trento and close to the Garda Lake for a great season opening!

Everything is ready in Terlago (a small town in Valle dei Laghi, few minutes from Trento) to host the season opening of the Specialized-Sram Enduro Series, the biggest German enduro championship.
Rideaway and the Azienda per il Turismo Trento, Monte Bondone, Valle dei Laghi are waiting for you for a two days race in which the riders, coming from all Europe, will challenge the time on the wonderful Terlago’s trail, built and prepared by Rideaway in association with Terlago City Hall.

Many top riders are going to attend the race: Max Schumann, Michal Procop, Marco Milivinti have just signed in. Everything starts on Saturday evening with the prologue, a small preview of the Sunday race, with 5 special stages, 1500m of climbing and 44km of riding.
Keep your legs warm and write the date down because after the race, the fun is not over! From Terlago, half an hour by car, you can reach Riva del Garda and the Bike Festival, that takes place from 01 to 04th May, exactly the week after. What better occasion to take a week holiday of fun and riding? Keep your reservation for the Spring Enduroholidays!
Terlago is not only enduro racing. There are 60km of wonderful trails especially built for mountain bikers that can be used for wonderful tours. Terlago also offers attraction and activities for children. The cycle path in Valle dei Laghi, the beautiful Terlago’s and Lamar lakes where the 4th stage ends. Trento, a town to be discovered, is only 10 minutes by car, so fun is guaranteed for all the family!

Registration are already open on the website, for the italian rides we suggest to follow the step by step instruction on the website The last date to sign in is Friday 18th April 2013, after that date you can sign in with 10€ of extra fee, but attenction: there are only few places available.
We’d like to remember that the Pro race is for all the riders with a valid UCI licence, professional and no professional. If you don’t have an UCI licence or you don’t feel ready for the full race, you can sign for the amateur one, a shorter version of the race with 3 special stages, 1000m of climbing and 30km of riding.
Accomodation will be available at the special price of 91€ pax, 2 nights, half board.

For more tourist information and accomodation:
Azienda per il Turismo Trento, Monte Bondone, Valle dei Laghi
Trento – Via Manci 2, 38122 Trento – Tel. +39 0461 216000 – –
More details will follow. Stay tuned!
Words & Pictures: Andrea Molinari | Rideaway
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