Race Report: Enduro Trails #1 – Bielsko-Biała, Poland

The First Enduro Trails event, powered by Kross, was held in Bielsko-Biala on 4th May 2014. The event also served to introduce something larger, namely the “Polish Enduro Series”, launched as a pilot project this year. (PES joins together three independent series: the Enduro Trails, the EMTB Enduro and the Joy Ride Open.)

The organizers prepared 4 special stages, whose accumulated length was around 9km (more than 8 on singletracks!), while the total descent of the race was over 1500m.

The 150 places available for the event were all taken up quickly, gathering some of the best bikers in the country from different MTB areas. Among others, the following competed in the race: XC-Olympian and national champion Marek Konwa, multiple marathon, XC and enduro winner Remik Ciok, top national DH racer Arek Perin, and leading enduro racers such as Mariusz Bryja, Krystian Bialka and Jakub Jonkisz.

Showery weather the day before the race made the conditions tricky, with lots of slippery roots, muddy singletracks and berms, complemented by short but exhausting uphill intervals on a slushy surface.

The race had a thrilling final, as after 4 special stages and almost 20 minutes of racing the fastest racers (Ciok, Perin, Konwa) were separated by a mere 3.63 seconds!

More information on www.endurotrails.pl & www.polishenduroseries.com
Words & Picutres: Endurotrails PR
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