Starting from Zero: UNNO cycles

With UNNO cycles a new brand enters the mountain bike industry. Based in Barcelona and focused on in-house manufacturing, UNNO claims to produce the most exclusive mountain bikes in the world. But let them introduce themselves:

Hogar. Home. That place where things work differently, at a different pace, with other standards. Feeling at home is one of the best feelings that exist. We know that. That’s why at UNNO we believe that to be able to produce the most exclusive mountain bikes in the world, we had to do everything in-house. Part by part. With our own hands.

Controlling the process 100% so that every frame that goes out the door, had entered as raw material through that same door. This way we can control how we use those materials, how we shape them and how we recycle the ones we don’t use. Control. Maximum Control. Because producing a bike is easy, but being able to produce it in the same place where all of us at UNNO live and work, is another thing entirely. People who bring their own ideas, their hands, and their hard work to see themselves immersed completely in creating a tool as passionate as a bike.

There’s more behind our frames than just a serial number. There’re years of hard work, endless hours of dedication, thousands of kilometers of test rides and an obsessive search for quality. There’s a reason why we’re the only brand in the world that manufactures its frames from zero. From zero to UNNO. The game has changed. Because UNNO means starting from zero.
About UNNO
After nearly four years developing in our studio in Barcelona, we can finally let you know a little bit more of what UNNO is going to be in the mountain bike industry. UNNO was born after years of experience in the sector and has brought forward revolutionary elements like the Forward Geometry and the Zero suspension system used by Mondraker. This means everyone one involved in UNNO knows what they’re doing.

What we can tell you is that all our models are made from carbon fiber, and we handcraft each, one by one. Here, in house. 5 models that will arrive in the autumn-winter 2016 and will be available in limited numbers. Exclusive mountain bikes that will change the way we perceive “Premium” models from now on. Someone had to do it, right? Don’t forget to follow us on our social media sites, where we will be updating daily with everything you need to know about UNNO.
You can follow UNNO on their Facebook page and their Instagram account
Words and photos: UNNO PR
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