The Lab | ION K-Lite Kneepads Long Term Review

‘Progress by sacrifice’ was the principle behind the development of the K_Lite knee protectors, as ION’s latest knee guards come without any Velcro straps and are kept in place purely by non-slippy neoprene and silicone sections.

It’s a concept that works remarkably well: “Once you take care to position them correctly from the get-go, then the lovely and lightweight K_LITE show no tendency to slip at all, neither when pedaling nor on the trail – no matter how much you might be sweating!” explains tester Aaron. A word of warning though: even though the knee guards are largely made out of an elastic material, be aware that there are fewer opportunities to alter the fit of the guard, so it’s wise to try before you buy!

During crashes the proven SAS-Tech padding absorbs impacts brilliantly, and ION have further strengthened this by adding a tough plastic plate. When it comes to durability and wear, Aaron is still more than content after four months of heavy use. Once again, ION can be relied upon for the high quality of their products.

Tester: Aaron
Price: 79.90 €
Length of testing: 4.5 months
Words: Aaron Steinke Photos: Sebastian Hermann
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