No guts, no glory, is what they say – or alternatively – the old classic – no pain, no gain. An apt saying or two that the gutsy flat-pedalled mountain biker Jana, who has long harbored a mistrust of cleats, now has firsthand experience of, as she undergoes two weeks of enforced bike-rest after a close encounter with the pedals. After the pins rammed into her shin and pierced the skin, she ended up making an impromptu visit to A&E. To protect her shins from a repeat occurrence (and therefore ease the burden on the health insurance), she’s now dug deep into her purse and invested in the ION Protection BD_Sock 2.0.

Mit ihrem GIANT REIGN 2 in der Hand kann sich Jana trotz lädiertem Schienbein ein Lächeln nicht verkneifen.
Rejoined with the GIANT REIGN 2 by her side, Jana manages to muster a smile despite the injured shin.
Beim Anfahren am Berg aus dem Stand heraus passierte Jana ein klassischer Pedalabrutscher, bei dem sie sich die Pins ins Scheinbein rammte. Eine sehr schmerzhafte Angelegenheit, die zwei Platzwunden zur Folge hatte und genäht werden musste.
Riding up towards mountainside from the centre of the town, Jana suffered a classic case of losing the pedals that resulted in the pedal’s pins ramming into her shin – a painful accident that resulted in two puncture wounds and subsequent stitches.
Der Übeltäter: die NC-17 Sudpin III S-Pro Plattformpedale, mit denen Jana rundum zufrieden ist.
The guilty party: the NC-17 Sudpin III S-Pro flat pedal, which has long been a popular choice with Jana.
Da Jana trotz schmerlicher Erfahrung von ihren Plattformpedalen überzeugt ist, war sie auf der Suche nach entpsrechenden Schienbeinschützern und ist hierbei auf die ION Protektoren Socken BD 2.0 gestoßen.
After the painful experience with the flat pedals, Jana decided it was high time to find some suitable shin protectors and stumbled across the ION Protection socks BD 2.0.

The ION Protection socks BD 2.0 are lightweight, calf-length socks that feature protective plates on both the interior and exterior of the ankle as well as the shin.

Bei den ION BD 2.0 Protection Socken handelt es sich um eine klassische Socke im Skate-Stil, die im Schienbeinbereich Schutz bietet. Der "Stealth"-Schutz ist aus HD-Memory-Schaum-Schutzplatten, die recht dünn ausfallen, aber trotzem einen perfekten Schutz gegen blutige Schienbeine bieten.
The ION BD 2.0 Protection socks have the classic skateboard style and offer shin protection. The ‘stealth’ protector is created from HD Memory foam protective plates that – although they appear to be very thin – offer brilliant protection against sudden impacts to the shin.
Pedalabrutscher dürften zwar immernoch spürbar sein, aber die Pins können sich nicht mehr ins Schienbein bohren.
We’re not saying your feet might not slip from the pedals and whack you in the leg ever again, but they definitely shouldn’t be piercing your skin any longer.
Wer wie Jana auf Plattformpedale steht und auf klassische Schienbeinschoner verzichten möchte, für den dürften ION BD 2.0 Protection Socken die ideale Lösung sein, um weitere unschöne Narben im Schienbeinbereich zu verhindern. Bei der ersten Testfahrt zeigte sich, dass sich das dünne Material der Socke sehr gut an die Beinform anpasst und angenehm zu tragen ist. Über die Optik langer Socken lässt sich streiten, aber einer muss leiden.


If you prefer to ride flat pedals but avoid classic shin protectors, then the ION BD 2.0 Protection socks could be the ideal solution to prevent any more unwanted pedal-induced piercings. After taking the socks out for a ride, our calves came home more than satisfied with their protection and level of comfort. These protectors sit securely with no sign of slipping, and in terms of fabric, the socks have been well designed and created from a mix of breathable materials.
Cycling has always given rise to heated discussions on sock length, but this is one occasion when you might need to compromise on your principles and accept the aforementioned adage: ‘no guts, no glory.’ Except this time it’s gutsy to protect your legs with the long socks.


  • Skate-style socks
  • HD Memory Foam protective plates
  • 3 sizes

Color: black
Sizes: S: 35-38, M: 39-42, L: 43-46
Material: 59% Polyester, 29% Polyamid, 10% Wool, 2% Elasthan

Preis: 39,95 €
Gewicht: 149 Gramm (bei Größe L)

Words: Jana Weissig/Manne Schmitt Photos: Klaus Kneist

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About the author

Aaron Steinke

Aaron was our first employee and actively helped make our company what it is today, significantly shaping the look and direction of our various magazines. Aaron has been pursuing his own projects since mid-2020 but he continues to advise and support us on issues of marketing and technology. For many years, you would usually have found Aaron at casual enduro races, but increasingly you'll find him riding his road bike – long live freedom on two wheels!