Piotr Szwedowski, Kellys Bike and EMTB.pl would like to cordially invite you to the beginning of the cycling season around Ślęża Massive. The great openning will take place on Saturday, April 12th in Sulistrowiczki and it starts at 10 a.m with EMTB Enduro race. Then in schedule we have a race for children, MTB XC open training, pumptrack training with Piotr Szwedowski and a ride through Polish Championship route. Moreover, there’ll be an unique chance to try out Kellys bikes on a prepared trail. The official event ending will be at 6 p.m. and afterwards we invite you to the bonfire and afterparty.
Ślęża Massive is comparatively small and its maximal height is only 718 meters above sea level, however the plain localization around the meadows and fields makes it completly unique. The length and difficulty of trails can be a nice suprice. Steep technical slopes and long stony sections are waiting for you. Ślęża is an ideal place for an opening cycling season, due to its fastest pace of snow melting in comparison i.e. with the one in Sudety. Further the journey is fast and easy because it’s only 30 km from Wrocław and A4 motorway.
- Elita
- Masters 40+
- Junior U23
- Elita
- Masters 40+
- Junior U23
Team (a team of at least 3 players)
Junior U23 23 & under Elita 24 39
Masters 40+

- EMTB Enduro Race
- Demo Day Kellys Bike
- Children race
- PumpTrack training
- Polish Championship trail training MTB XC training
- AfterParty bonfire

Complete event plan, registration, accomodation and rulebook can find: Click here
News and questions on ‘Events’ in our facebook: FB Event
- radio Eska
- ENDURO Mountainbike Magazine
- Magazyn Rowerowy
- MTBS.cz
- BikeWorld
- DhZone
Supported by: Kellys Bike
Text/Photos: emtb.pl
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