Exclusive | Steve Peat Presents Exciting ZumZum Balance Bike

Steve Peat has always been an ambassador for supporting young talent, sharing his vast experience and knowledge with the rippers of tomorrow, and it certainly seems to be working. Nothing represents the future more than the little groms tearing around on scooter bikes; so it is no surprise to see Steve getting behind this new Kickstarter project, the ZumZum, a lightweight and durable kids bike packing 10-50mm of natural suspension. The Kickstarter project starts today, and with the first 500 bikes being sold for just $149 (including US and Europe shipping), this is the perfect opportunity to treat your little shredder. This is what the team behind ZumZum had to say:

“We proudly present to you, ‘ZumZum – the first bike for your child! Children as young as 18 months can now start to learn riding a bike in a safe and controlled manor, with ZumZum’s unique design and natural suspension system! We are a new, innovative company, looking for your support through our Kickstarter Campaign over the coming weeks…
In conjunction with none-other than the legend himself, Steve Peat has been a figure head of cycling for many years throughout his long and decorated career, inspiring many young people to take up two wheel activities. He is renowned for his ability to coach and mentor young riders, such as current World Cup Downhill champion Josh Bryceland, so it was a natural progression for him to get involved with even the youngest rippers out there, helping to create the ZumZum.

The bike itself uses a patented suspension frame and design, made from extremely durable Northern European Birch wood, meaning that it is, strong, flexible and eco-friendly. This patented suspension system guarantees that in a case of uneven surfaces or any ‘bumps’, the shock is absorbed and allows for a smooth ride. This system offers 150mm of natural suspension travel, meaning that the bike can be used on various surfaces with confidence.

With an adjustable wheelbase and frame height, the bike can “grow” alongside your child and so that it can be passed on to future generations. To ensure that your child uses the ZumZum bike as long as possible, it has a 2 year manufacturing guarantee.
Bike with 10″ wheels can be adjusted in height from 13″ to 14.5″ (33 cm to 37 cm)
Bike with 12″ wheels can be adjusted in height from 14″ to 15.5″ (36 cm to 40 cm)
We all know that kids love to leave everything, everywhere, so we’ve made sure each bike has been treated with a waterproof laminate, so there are no issues using it during the fall/winter months.
Don’t be afraid to spray it down though and bring it inside, with the tyres being non-marking, so that when they inevitably learn ‘skids’, your new carpet is safe!

While ZumZum is made from renewable materials, such as the Northern European Birch frame, it has an NFC chip built in to the Handlebar/cockpit. This little chip contains all the information about your bike, including your ownership details and guarantee information.
These chips can be read using our smartphone app, meaning that it is always clear whose bike it is and can always be returned if left at the local park for example. When the bike is sold to someone else, simply change the information within the app and pass it on to another up and coming shredder!

With all this said, we really need your help to make this all happen… We’re looking for you to pledge your support over on our Kickstarter Page to help make this a reality.
There’s plenty of different ways and levels to get involved, so please head over for more information on how to pledge, shipping dates and more.
Thank you!
Zum Zum Bikes.”
Find out more:
Kickstarter: Website: Twitter: Facebook
Words and Photos: Trev Worsey
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