What’s needed for a good party? Good music, a cool location, plenty of drinks and of course the right guests. We had all of this at our first Trailparty in Latsch at over 1,800m. Of course, we celebrated right in the middle of one of the most popular trails of the Vinschgau! Don’t believe us? Check this out!

Traumhafte Aussicht und grandioses Wetter - es gibt keinen besseren Ort für eine Trailparty!
Fantastic view and terrific weather – there’s no better place for a trail Party!

We celebrate Parties because of different reasons: Some because we pass an exam, the other because of a birthday and most often we celebrate without a real reason (apart from the love of beer). On our first trail party we wanted to celebrate for our love of the sport and where can you do this better than out in our natural habitat…the trail? For this reason, we have dragged up not only a complete DJ set and tones of beers, but also sun loungers on the trail between the Tarscher- and Latscher Alm.


Zu Beginn waren die Liegestühle noch spärlich besucht, doch das sollte sich ziemlich schnell änder.
At the beginning, the deckchairs were still sparse, but that changed rather quickly …
... denn immer mehr Fahrer erreichten die Trailparty ...
… As more and more riders reached the Trailparty …
... und machten dann erstmal Pause!
… and had a break!
Dicke Beats: Laurenz sorgt für mächtig Stimmung.
DJ Laurenz from Supertuff soundsystem ensured a great atmosphere.
Oder waren des doch diese beiden Jungs?  Wohl eher nicht.
Or was it these two guys? Probably not!
Du bist was du isst! Die mit Hashtags beschrifteten Bananen gaben Aufschluss über so manche persönliche Neigung.
You are what you eat! The bananas were labeled with hashtags which shed light on some personal inclination.
Was bei ihm wohl auf der Schale stand?
What was written on his banana?
Bei ihnen ist es deutlich zu lesen!
Here it can be clearly be read.
Nach gut 10 Minuten anspruchsvoller Trailfahrt erreichten die Besucher die Party Location ..
After a good 10 minute demanding trail ride the visitors arrived at the party location. Nobody needed an invitation – everybody was welcome!
Auch Bikeprofi Daniel Schäfer zählte zu den "Party-Gästen".
Also bike pro Daniel Schäfer was one of the “party guests”.
Während die einen feierten ...
While some celebrated …
... nutzten die anderen die Pause für eine Runde Powernapping ...
… others used the break for a Powernap …
...  oder eine Runde Trailtalk.
… or some Trail Talk.
Girls & Beer! We LIKE!
Who doesn’t like girls & beer?
Tobi genießt die fette Aussicht!
Tobi is enjoying the awesome view!
Philipp und sein Trailbuilder Kollege sind verantwortlich für den top Zustand der meisten Trails rund um Latsch.
Philipp and his trail builder colleagues are responsible for the top shape of most of the trails around Latsch. Cheers to you guys!
Für wen der beiden das wohl bequemer ist.
Who of these two has the more comfortable position?
Mario und Harald bevorzugen den Stein als Sitzgelegenheit.
Mario and Harald prefer the stone as a seat.
Keep smiling! Das fällt bei perfekten Wetter und entspannter Atmosphäre nicht schwer.
Keep smiling! Not too difficult at a party with perfect weather and a relaxed atmosphere.
Doch auch die beste Party ist irgendwann zu Ende und so leerten sich gegen 18.00 die Liegestühle wieder.
But even the best party has to eventually end, and so the deck chairs were emptied around 18.00.

Each party is only as good as their guests, and ours were just fantastic on that afternoon! We would like to thank you all again for the great atmosphere and hope to welcome you to one of our next ENDURO TrailPartys. Where they will be is still a secret at the moment, but you will find all important information in due course – just check #trailparty on social media!

Words & Pictures: Christoph Bayer

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