Nestled around the heritage city of Cuenca, between the hills of Socorro and San Isidro, the Endurama championship held host to yet another spectacular race, incorporating technical, mountainous regions with urban riding which set for some great viewing for the public – we’re not sure about the riders arms with the disgusting staircase though!

Riders had to cover almost 40 kilometers and 1900 meters of altitude, using the city of Cuenca as a link to join 200 riders from every corner of Spain. Even on Thursday some participants could be seen practicing the circuit, despite the spectacular closing championship circuit which decided the final winner of the event.

The Endurama race challenged riders in technical terrain, linking rocky, technical stages with fast, urban stages
The Endurama race challenged riders in technical terrain, linking rocky, technical stages with fast, urban stages
There were some seriously steep, technical areas - good luck with that one!
There were some seriously steep, technical areas – Not a problem for mountain biking veteran, Jacobo Santana!
Even the event organizers noted how horrible the last stage was - "a terrible last one with less than 1 kilometer down, but hundreds of stairs and  28% negative slope!"
Even the event organizers noted how horrible the last stage was – “a terrible last one with less than 1 kilometer down, but hundreds of stairs and 28% negative slope!”

The designed circuit was spectacular, mixing the spectaculars views of Cuenca and the close backcoutry of the city. This time, riders had to cover 5 special stages with a terrible last one with less than 1 kilometer down, but hundreds of stairs and a 28% negative slope.

Two local riders entered into the top ten: Angel Bejarano (Bencha) and Alberto Corona, with an incredible second place confirmed the potential Cuenca specialty.
Two local riders entered into the top ten: Angel Bejarano (Bencha) and Alberto Corona, with an incredible second place confirmed the potential Cuenca specialty.
It certainly looks like a difficult race. We dread to think how the riders' arms are feeling after that staircase, though!
It certainly looks like a difficult race. We dread to think how the riders’ arms are feeling after that staircase, though!

The final victory went to an intractable Jacobo Santana with over 20 years experience in the bike world, who is currently the nation’s leading specialty…certainly the benchmark for it.

Jacobo Santana took to the tallest podium, with over 20 years experience in the bike world!
Jacobo Santana took to the tallest podium, with over 20 years experience in the bike world! – Cor, those are some good looking caps!

The final podium of the championship capped Andres Fernandez Latorre (Cannondale / Poc) Scratch winner, followed by Juan Matos (Mondraker / Troy lee) and third Lampi (Orbea Crew) 1st ultimately Master 30. In females, Marketa Michalkova (Juliana-Ltm Racing) was the absolute dominant, winning 4 races, followed by Carla Rodriguez (Bike Madrid) and Judith Viana (Cult Bikes)

For more info visit:

Words & Photos: Courtesy of Endurama & Andrew Richardson

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