STOP BIKE THIEVES! Is this the ultimate protection?

In the battle to fight bike crime, we have just discovered an ingenious solution. Rather than relying on complex electronics or GPS wizardry, the BIKE MINE simply uses a really-really-loud bang!
Bike thieves are masters of silence, quietly sneaking away in the night with your pride and joy. The BIKE MINE aims to change all that, protecting your bike and giving any potential thief a good old-fashioned fright. We think that anything that terrifies bike criminals is a good thing, what do you think?

This is what the inventors say about the BIKE MINE
When thieves come for your stuff in the dead of night they have a massive advantage. You are asleep. They have time to carry out their mischief in peace.
The answer is BIKE MINE – the world’s loudest alarm. A quick, safe and reliable way to protect your stuff from thieves.
When tripped by a thief, BIKE MINE detonates a 150db blast of sound; more than enough to startle a thief and raise the alarm. It’s a simple, low-tech idea that protects your bicycle, motorbike, boat or jet ski – or anything else that’s stored on your property.
BIKE MINE is simple
BIKE MINE comprises a length of titanium wire, a spring-loaded trap and a small detonator. Velcro straps allow it to be attached quickly to protect almost anything you store outside or in a garage or shed. It’s robust steel construction is covered in a rubber skin to protect your property.
BIKE MINE is safe
The detonators used in the BIKE MINE are sometimes referred to as saluting blanks. They are widely available and legal to own and use. It’s important you follow the instructions when setting your BIKE MINE, but as you can see in the video, I trip the device without wearing any special safety equipment.
BIKE MINE is reliable & versatile
There are no batteries to run down and only one moving part. This means BIKE MINE works 24/7 and in all weathers.
You can attach BIKE MINE to your the item you want to protect or use it as a perimeter alarm – in other words, it goes off before the thief gets to put his hands on your stuff in the first place.

Turning the tables on thieves
In the war against thieves, your goal should be to get them caught in the act.
For example, with motorbikes, the most common technique they use is lifting it off of the ground and loading into a van. Quick. Easy. Quiet. Think your bike is too heavy to be lifted in this way? Thieves have thought of that. They lash a scaffold tube to the front and back of the bike and share the weight between four. When it comes to bicycles, it’s even easier.
BIKE MINE is extremely hard for a thief to detect and when they do, it’s too late: You are awake. Your neighbour is awake. They are running away as fast as they can.
The back story
I’ve had both a motorbike and a bicycle stolen from me here in London. I had locked both bikes and done as much as I could to keep them secure. The thieves had a massive advantage because they were able to gain access to the bikes and dismantle the locks in the dead of night while I was asleep. It inspired me to develop an alarm that would wake me up and cause the thief to flee. That alarm is BIKE MINE.
For full details on the BIKE MINE, check out their campaign on Kickstarter.
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Words & Photos: Trev Worsey, BIKE MINE