YT nabs the Director of Good Times – Brett Tippie
It was really only a matter of time until the Director of Good Times would end up with YT. Brett Tippie is now part of the YT Family and takes his place alongside Aaron Gwin, Cam Zink, and Andreu Lacondeguy. All information directly from YT Industries:
Brett Tippie is living proof that Young Talent is not about age, but about attitude. As a family member, his tools of shred will be the TUES, CAPRA, and JEFFSY. The Canadian is a perfect fit for Team Good Times and he is already looking forward to working together:
“I have lusted after the sexy YT bikes for some time, and after testing them, I was blown away about how plush, stiff and stable they really were with dialed angles and suspension kinematics. It’s one of those bikes you feel natural on right away! With sick bikes, a cool punkrock image, and an amazing team of staff and riders I was sold and wanted to be a part of it.” – Brett Tippie
At 48 years of age, Tippie is not exactly a blank page. Back in the 90s he was already leaving his mark on the sport, as he and his Frorider bros showed that you don’t need shaved legs and lycra onesies to ride bikes. Right from the start Tippie and his boys developed their own style, far away from competitions and results. Cliff drops and steep, technical descents were on the To-Do list instead. As you can imagine, Tippie’s new team mates are stoked on the new addition:
“YT is living up to their namesake and hiring the hottest Young Talent. Brett Tippie is a future legend and if you don’t already know him, you will soon!” – Cam Zink
“So stoked to get Tippie as a team mate. YT is killing it. YT is all about the good times and getting Brett Tippie on board proves it. I’m sure there’s not many people having more fun than him shredding bikes.” – Andreu Lacondeguy
“Really psyched and happy to welcome a true legend of the sport in our family! Lots of laughs and funny stories ahead. Let’s shred together, old fart.” – Yannick Granieri
Click here for the Interview with Brett Tippie!