Nate Hills smashing LPS in Moab
This week’s episode of #FollowCamFriday is from Moab, on the upper section of the Lower Porcupine Singletrack (LPS). Follow along as Nate Hills, Kyle Mears, and Botsy Phillips smash and bang one of the roughest sections of trail in Utah. A bit of snow at the top makes for hero traction. This trail eats bike parts for breakfast.

For further infos on Nate Hills head to: Yeti Cycles rider profile | Nate’s Instagram profile
Check out the other episodes of Nate’s #FollowCamFriday series: Blue Dot Trail, Moab | Porcupine Rim Trail, Moab | Upper Captain Ahab, Moab | Lower Captain Ahab, Moab | Hiline Trail, Sedona | Upper Hangover Trail, Sedona | Lower Hangover Trail, Sedona
Video & Photos: Nate Hills