
You need optimal shoulder function to perform your best. If you’ve experienced any kind of shoulder injury, you know how it can “take you off your game” and make for more pain and less efficiency on your rides.

Video #5 is all about making that link between your grips and pedals able to move better and create and transfer force between them. I know many of you (like me) who’ve broken collar bones (my left twice) and separated your AC Joints (both of mine) and how those issues create tightness, immobility and instability in the shoulders. It can be a little un-nerving too, to know that you don’t have full strength in your shoulders when riding and hitting some of those drop offs, gap jumps and rock sections! Try these self therapy tricks to “get your shoulders back!”

Be sure to check out Enduro training newest “90-Day Enduro MTB & Training System” just released!

Here’s what you have to look forward in this video series designed to give you the tools to help your body recover from injury and to be a performance enhancer to your riding and racing:

Video #1- Rebuild, Restore: Lower leg self therapy fixes
Video #2- Fix your Knees for Better Riding Position and Strength
Video #3- Loosen Up Your Tight Hips and Lower Back
Video #4- Get better shoulder function for riding – the shoulder girdle
Video #6- Let’s bring it all together! Watch This 8 Exercise Stability Workout for better balance, strength and injury prevention.

Remember, with each of these videos you will learn how the body part works, potential causes of mountain biking dysfunction and pain, and self-therapy techniques you can apply to yourself to help with old (or new) injuries.

Words: Dee Tidwell- Owner of www.enduromtbtraining.com

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